Sunday, January 29, 2012


Laura has been sick for the past few weeks so she finally started Zithromax to try to get better. The problem is that she is still breastfeeding Chase. We used pumped milk on day 1. She breastfed him on day 2 and he had a minor rash (that looked more like heat rash), but we decided maybe we should try to give him formula since we didn't have enough of a backup supply of milk to last for the entire time of taking the antibiotic. This morning, we gave him a bottle of formula for the first time. He was a little fussy with the formula but finally ended up drinking about 4 oz. He was fussy, but we thought he was just tired, so we put him down for a morning nap. He fell asleep pretty quickly, but he woke up 15 minutes later crying. I went in and he had hives all over his body, a swollen face and his tongue was sticking out. We called Laura's Uncle Danny and he told us to give him some Benedryl, but he didn't seem to get much better so we went to the ER. They gave him a steroid shot and our baby boy was back again. The problem is that we aren't sure which issue caused the reaction so we will be seeing an allergist soon to find out.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Birthday Season

Brody has been busy lately as it is birthday season.

At Nicholas' birthday party he conquered a couple of fears. He has always been hesitant to do the petting zoo at birthday parties, but he was really good about it at this party. He also rode the pony for the first time.

Vinnie's party was great for Brody too, as he climbed and jumped and did some of the more athletic things that he is also a little hesitant to do. As you can tell, Brody is a pretty cautious kid. Sounds like his father.

At Cody's party, he found the football helmet and was running around like a crazy man. Don't worry, the kid grabbing the facemask got called for a 15 yard personal foul penalty. Also, check out Brody's form on his jump shot.

Brody had his 3 year old checkup last Friday. He weighed in at 32 lbs and is 37 inches tall. Growing up so fast!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Brody's Birthday Party

Brody had another great birthday party for his third birthday. The theme was Thomas & Friends. Brody is a huge Thomas & Friends fan. He is amazing with his knowledge of all the trains on Thomas & Friends. Thank you to all the many friends and family that came to Bayview Park.


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