Brody has been talking quite a bit more lately. It has been interesting how everyday he talks more and more. One thing that is kind of funny though is when you ask him colors. If you ask him what color is that? His answer is always "Purple" with a laugh. The funny part is that I think he knows what the colors are. I really believe that he gets a kick out of saying "Purple" and seeing our reaction as we say "No, that is green."
Here are a few pictures of Brody breaking in Ada's new playhouse at the Hambrook's this past weekend. Ada will love it! Brody had a lot of fun ringing the doorbell. "Ding Dong!"

Also, I had to throw this in. Have you seen the
Baby Bob Marley YouTube video of the baby that is crying but is calmed down when the father plays Bob Marley music? Well, the funny thing is that Brody is the same way with
Dispatch music. For those of you that haven't heard Dispatch, they are a jam band with a reggae sound. If he is grouchy in the back seat, I put on "Open Up" by Dispatch and he calms down immediately.