Brody and Chase's Uncle Jay passed away last Saturday. Brody and Chase are really going to miss their Uncle Jay. Please keep Jay in your prayers as he continues his journey in Heaven. We love you, Jay.
At Chase's checkup last week, he was all the way up to 9 lbs, 10 oz, while his height measured 22 inches at just 2 1/2 weeks old. He is growing like a weed! That puts him in the 99th percentile for weight, and 95th percentile for height. In comparison, Brody was 9 lbs, 4 oz at his one month checkup. The reason for his healthy weight gain is that Chase has been drinking mommy's milk really well, which makes everything considerably more pleasant. This helps give him a steady nighttime routine, as he has been sleeping approximately 4 hours at a time. I guess it goes without saying, but things are much easier the second time around.
We started back up with Brody's survival swim lessons this week. Brody wasn't very excited about swimming over the last few weeks, but he has regained his confidence in the water pretty quickly since we started the lessons.
Chase definitely looks a lot like Brody did at these early stages. Here are a few examples of how they look alike. Then again, if you ask Laura's dad, he will say that all babies look the same, "Like aliens."