Brody has been busy lately as it is birthday season.
At Nicholas' birthday party he conquered a couple of fears. He has always been hesitant to do the petting zoo at birthday parties, but he was really good about it at this party. He also rode the pony for the first time.
Vinnie's party was great for Brody too, as he climbed and jumped and did some of the more athletic things that he is also a little hesitant to do. As you can tell, Brody is a pretty cautious kid. Sounds like his father.
At Cody's party, he found the football helmet and was running around like a crazy man. Don't worry, the kid grabbing the facemask got called for a 15 yard personal foul penalty. Also, check out Brody's form on his jump shot.
Brody had his 3 year old checkup last Friday. He weighed in at 32 lbs and is 37 inches tall. Growing up so fast!