Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Brody's Birthday Party

Brody had his birthday party at Bayview Park last weekend to celebrate his 5th birthday. He had a great time playing with his friends from school and friends outside of school. The theme was Disney's Planes. We made paper airplanes and had a tons of fun playing on the playground. We enjoyed pizza from Galaxy Pizza and chicken tenders from PDQ.

Last week, Brody had his annual checkup. He weighed in at 38 lbs (50th percentile) and measured 43 inches (29th percentile).

Brody has been doing a great job with learning to read. He gets new books each week from school. The key is that he has memorized most of the sight words with the help of a few DVDs, school activites, and Mom's hard work over the summer using flash cards.

Here are some highlights from Brody's party:

1 comment:

  1. Brody's Birthday Party looks quite fun. I am really impressed how nicely it came out. Our son is turning 1 in next month and we are just so happy and excited for the day. Can’t wait to celebrate his day with all our family members but space is quite an issue at our home so we might opt for rental event space NYC.



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